-a remote_name
This option allows you to see the NetBIOS table of a remote PC with a NetBIOS name as specified by the remote_name argument.
-A ip_address
This option allows you to see the NetBIOS table of a remote PC with an IP address as specified by the ip_address argument.
This option displays the contents of a PC’s NetBIOS name cache along with the IP addresses corresponding to those NetBIOS names.
This option displays NetBIOS names that have been registered by an application, such as a server application.
This option shows statistical NetBIOS information, such as the number of NetBIOS names resolved by broadcasting and the number of NetBIOS names resolved by a WINS server.
This option purges a PC’s NetBIOS cache and reloads entries from a PC’s LMHOSTS file (which is a text file containing NetBIOS to IP address mappings) that have #PRE following the entry. The #PRE option in an LMHOSTS file causes those entries to be preloaded into a PC’s NetBIOS cache.
This option provides a listing of the NetBIOS session table, along with the IP addresses of the listed NetBIOS names.