- Go to nessus.org/download/nessus_download.php
- Download the version for your OS, for example Nessus Home. The file name will look something like Nessus-4.4.0-ubuntu804_XXX.deb (the XXX represents the filename which can change as new versions are released)
- Save the file to the root directory
- Switch to the terminal screen. In Terminal, type:
- root@bt:~# ls *.deb to look for any file with a debian extension
- Run the package manager to install it:
- root@bt:~# dpkg –i Nessus-4.4.0-ubuntu804_XXX.deb
- sudo /etc/init.d/nessusd start
- Then point your browser to: to configure your Nessus scanner. Then follow instructions in your browser. You will still need an activation code from Nessus to register before you can use it.
- Once the installation is finished we will see that there is a command given to add a user:
- root@bt:~# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessus-adduser
- Enter Login name that you want to use, hit Enter
- Enter a password for that ID, hit Enter. Enter password again to confirm.
- Click Y then hit Enter to make this a Nessus Admin User
- Do you want to delegate any rules – you don’t want to add rules
- Hit Y to continue to see that a user has been added
- Register the Nessus Scanner at http://www.nessus.org/register/ although there may be a more updated URL elsewhere.
- Go to Registration Site, select HomeFeed
- Accept license agreement and enter your email address, then click register.
- Tenable will send you an email with an activation code
- Switch to the Terminal Screen and perform the registration. Enter:
- root@bt:~# /opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch –-register [enter activation code].
- Nessus will go out and fetch the latest set of plugins based on the feed we have chosen when we registered, which was HomeFeed or Nessus Hom
- Once the plugins have been completed, our Nessus installation is now up to date.
- To start the Nessus daemon, go to Terminal:
- root@bt:~# /etc/init.d/nessusd start
- root@bt:~# netstat –ant to look for listening addresses. You will notice there is a daemon listening on port 8834. That is the Nessus daemon.
- Go to browser and browse to: http://localhost:8834. You will get a bad request because Nessus needs to use a secure connection. It needs https.
- Create a security exception, confirm it, then it should work
Click here to watch a free tutorial on Nessus, presented by Georgia Weidman.