Host-Only: Host-only networking is another networking mode that was added with version 2.2 of VirtualBox. It can be thought of as a hybrid between the bridged and internal networking modes: as with bridged networking, the virtual machines can talk to each other and the host as if they were connected through a physical Ethernet switch. […]
Category: Networks
What is a Packet?
A packet is the unit of data that is routed between an origin and a destination on the Internet or any other packet-switched network. When any file (e-mail message, HTML file, Graphics Interchange Format file, Uniform Resource Locator request, and so forth) is sent from one place to another on the Internet, the Transmission Control […]
What is a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)?
In computer security, a DMZ or demilitarized zone (sometimes referred to as a perimeter network) is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes an organization’s external-facing services to a usually larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet.
What is the difference between IPV4 and IPV6?
IP Version 4 and IPv6 are both representations of binary numbers. An IPv4 address is 32 bits and the format is decimal. An IPv6 address is 128 bits and the format is hexadecimal. The mask function is the same for both of these protocols. The mask represents how many of these bits in the IP […]
What is the OSI Layer for a Router?
Layer 3 – Network Layer
What is the OSI Layer for a Switch?
Layer 2 – The DLL Layer
What is the OSI Layer of Operation for a Hub?
Layer 1 – Physical Layer
What is RDP?
Remote Desktop Protocol: A Microsoft protocol that allows a user to view and control the desktop of a remote computer TCP Port 3389
What is NTP?
Network Time Protocol: Used by a network device to synchronize its clock with a time server (NTP server) UDP Port 123
What is HTTP?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol: Retrieves content from a web server TCP Port 80