Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document any counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, […]
Category: InfoSec Interview Topics
What is the difference between DNS and DHCP?
DHCP is what is used by the router to assign an IP address to a specific computer, while DNS is a service that translates website names into the website’s IP address. Therefore, DHCP assigns IP addresses, and DNS looks up already existing addresses.
InfoSec Questions Asked on Recent Phone Interview
1. What would it mean if I saw a lot of activity on port 53? First of all you need to find what is the source of traffic. Try something like: netstat -a -n -p|grep :53 or this: lsof -p PID 2. What is the diff between http and html? One is a protocol and […]
An example of an organization’s hiring process that I personally experienced
Do not think that an extended hiring process means you will get an offer. Take a look at this recent and actual hiring process that I personally experienced: I submitted my resume to a Security Analyst job posting in late January 2016 On Feb 9th, I had a phone Interview with the HR Representative. It […]
Topics Covered in InfoSec Technical Interviews
If you have a technical interview coming up, make sure to review the topics below. This list is expansive but not inclusive of everything you need to know. For those who don’t know, technical interviews are usually organized in a way that there are two rounds – one has direct questions and the other has […]